early rising

I made the decision to set my alarm early this morning so I could fit in a swim before our outreach.  I opened the hotel windows to the glittering gulf water and Texas sunshine.

The key to cramming in a workout earlier than I want to be up is having everything packed up the night before. My shorts and long sleeve were still drying from the hand washing after yesterday’s run and the swim suit, cap and goggles went in my bag. I packed a lock and flip flops, and put my room key and rental car keys in the bag too just so I wouldn’t forget anything in my morning haze.

Walking outside, I hated making the decision to drive rather than walk to the Y but there were time restrictions: I woke up at 7:30 and needed to depart for the outreach at 9:15… in that time I wanted to fit in a swim, return the rental car, shower and stop by the coffee shop to buy one of their adorable travel mugs.

Almost every city I visit has a YMCA and more often than not, they end up being walking distance from my hotel. I love the old school Y pools. They are usually in the basement, surrounded by stone or bricks. The Corpus Christi Y pool was empty except for me most of my workout. Only three lanes wide, the temperature was perfect for a short, easy swim. My mantra of the morning was slow and steady and my goal half mile without breaks.

The workout:

100 yds freestyle

100 yds breast stroke

100 yds freestyle

100 yds breast stroke

50 yds back stroke to open up my chest and shoulders

repeat entire sequence

total = 900 yds = 1/2 mile

17 minutes

The swim this morning stretched out my back and gave me a no-impact workout before sitting on planes for the rest of the day. I meant to do some core exercises before bed but ate way too much, too late.