spinning out of the rain

It wasn’t actually raining this morning but the forecast has been predicting it and as I was changing into my workout clothes the gym sounded so much more appealing than the cold outdoors.  My joints felt a little achy and I knew a spin would do me good.  I’ve been sticking with upright exercise bikes but decided to try a spin bike today.  Seven hours later, my back is still feeling really good so I guess I adjusted it correctly and didn’t put too much pressure on my lower back.   I taught myself a private spin class and enjoying sweating through the whole thing!  Music is key on spin bikes and you can check out the playlist of the day on my “Workout playlist” pages.

The workout:

1.  easy spin at 88 rpm warming up my muscles (time yourself for 30 seconds and see how many times one leg circles)  all of my rpm today was based on moving to the beat of the music

2.  96 rpm, working up the heat and starting to sweat

3.  alternating one minute each more resistance, slow spin out of the saddle at 50 rpm & light resistance, quick spin at 100 rpm

4.  constant spin at 94 rpm, enough resistance to feel it but not too difficult

5.  turn resistance up and spin quicker at 105 rpm

6.  alternate in the saddle and out of the saddle, keep rpm constant at 95 rpm, adjust resistance accordingly

7.  cool down

Remember to always have enough resistance on the wheel so your legs don’t spin out of control.  If you are bouncing in your seat, add resistance.  If the wheel is getting stuck, remove resistance.