after no sleep… just run

Most mornings, no matter how tired I am, the little munchkin’s cuteness reminds me that I’ll deal with the day fine. This morning I needed a little extra motivation since I really, really just wanted him to fall back to sleep. He’s in a new screaming hysterically and inconsolably in the middle of the night phase (any helpful insights??) so I slept less than five hours last night even though my husband was the one actually out of bed. I used to be a nine hours a night kind of gal but on the mornings when I woke up sleep deprived (or hungover) I would often get myself rolling with a run.
Once it was apparent that Baby A was indeed up for good this morning, I popped him into the running stroller and off we went.
I was sure that he would doze off but those ducks around Stow Lake are so interesting! And the squirrels. And the other runners. The morning was dewy and gorgeous, and every tree in the park was in full bloom.
Beside sleeping in, there is no better way to start a day!

the workout: 2.8 mile run


to do… get a bike trailer

I really wanted to swim today but lap lanes and childcare didn’t line up with in-between-nap times. So I found myself at the gym on the machines. This was carefully planned to back up to Baby A’s post-swim lesson nap. Whew! And to think I’m not even working right now. How will I ever fit that back into my schedule?!

I ran in the clouds, forward and backward for 15 minutes of elliptical boringness then moved to a stationary bike. Not even a spin bike since I didn’t have bike shoes or padded shorts. The large squishy seat treated me fine but as I stared off into space, listening to food talk on The Splendid Table, I realized that I could actually be biking in the sun towing Baby A.
So, added to tonight’s to-do list… start researching bike trailers. And plan to get a better workout tomorrow at Boot Camp. In the sunshine with Baby A.

the workout: 30 minutes of cardio, split between machines to break up the boredom

our first 5k

Baby A and I just ran the Valentine Day Dash in golden gate park! We lined up behind a few other strollers and took off at top speed when the horn blared. The course brought us through the “singing tunnels” where we listen for echoes and around Stow Lake where we quack at ducks. Around mile 2 a woman pushing a double stroller passed me on an uphill. I cheered her on and she returned the encouragement. Later, as Baby A started fussing, I found his favorite album on Rdio and as he recognized Boker Tov, he calmed down for the last little bit. We ran through the Tunnel of Love then sprinted to the finish line. What a perfect way to start the day!

the workout: my fastest 5k ever, 26 minutes, 58th place


baby boot camp

I finally got my act together and attended baby boot camp in golden gate park! It is so difficult for me to commit to anything in the mornings since Baby A doesn’t have a regular wake up time or regular nap time. But after two mornings of nap time fights I decided that being out in the sunshine would be better for both of us!
Now, two days later, I’m still sore and when I attempted to roll out my muscles on the foam roller last night, I was in pain! Speaking of pain… walking up steps with Baby A in the Ergo… ouch!!
Our hour flew by with a fast paced mix of running, running steps, wall sitting, ski jumps, push ups, dips, step ups and core work. Wow!
The best part (beside my awesome workout) was that I positioned Baby A’s stroller so he could see a few older babies and they “chatted” the entire time.
This may be my new favorite workout 🙂