
Today was the most centered day I’ve had in a long time. I began my morning with hibiscus orange tea on the lanai and opened up The Woman’s Book of Yoga and Health.  I read all of the forwards and decided that it was high time I do something to calm my scattered energies and start restoring lost flexibility. Since all of my back stuff started last September I had given all yoga with the excuse that I didn’t want to hurt myself more. I am much stronger now and have a pretty good grip on what feels good versus what might hurt. In April when I’m home again, I plan to attend the Iyengar Institute’s back classes. Although I’ve practiced yoga on and off for years, it will be best for me to have a master teacher helping me with form and modifications.
Anyway, my short yoga practice left me ready to tackle a delicious breakfast and Mozart performances for Mom’s students at Iolani. I felt full of life and vibrant. My performances were interesting and centered!
I relaxed away the afternoon at the beach and was inspired to do a sunset run.
The workout:
40 minutes, brisk & steady pace
Full body roll-out
Core exercises
I finally feel mostly normal again. My head is still somewhat congested but there is no semblance of a fever and I didn’t hack through my run!

Nikken wellness:

knee wrap– my left knee was aching a bit after my run